The Complete Google Ads Glossary – 2024

The Complete Google Ads Glossary – 2024

Welcome to our 2024 Google Ads guide, made simple just for you! 

Whether you’re new to advertising or an expert, Google Ads can feel like a maze of confusing terms.

But don’t worry! This comprehensive glossary provides easy-to-understand explanations of essential terminologies from A to Z.

Let’s explore and understand!

A/B Testing

A/B testing involves comparing two versions of an ad or landing page to determine which performs better. For instance, you might create two ads with different headlines and measure which receives more clicks or conversions. This helps optimize campaigns by identifying the most effective elements for improved results.


All of your advertising data, including campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords, are stored in a single entity called an account. You may control your budget, targeting preferences, and performance indicators there. Every Google Ads account is distinct and can be used to represent a company, group, or individual advertiser.

Ad Copy

Ad copy refers to the written content of your advertisement, including headlines, descriptions, and any other text elements. It’s what users see when your ad appears on Google search results or other websites within the Google Display Network. Effective ad copy is clear, compelling, and relevant to the user’s search query or browsing context. It aims to attract attention, convey the value proposition, and encourage users to click on the ad.

Ad Customizers

Ad Customizers are dynamic placeholders that automatically update your ad text with specific information, like prices, countdowns, or inventory levels. They allow you to create highly relevant and personalized ads at scale, based on factors such as user location, device, and past interactions. For example, you can use ad customizers to display different prices for products based on the user’s location.

Ad Extensions

Ad extensions are additional pieces of information that you can add to your ads to make them more informative and compelling. These extensions expand your ad with extra details, such as phone numbers, locations, site links, or additional text snippets. They provide more opportunities for users to engage with your ad and take action, ultimately improving your ad’s visibility, relevance, and performance.

Ad Group

An Ad Group is a collection of ads that share a set of keywords and a common theme or goal. Within an ad group, advertisers can create multiple ads and specify targeting settings. This organizational structure helps optimize campaigns by grouping related ads together, allowing for more targeted messaging and easier management of bids, budgets, and performance metrics.


AdMob is a mobile advertising platform owned by Google that allows app developers to monetize their apps through in-app ads. It provides various ad formats and targeting options to maximize revenue.

Ad Network

An ad network is a platform that connects advertisers with publishers who want to display ads on their websites, apps, or other digital properties. These networks facilitate the buying and selling of advertising space and enable advertisers to reach a wider audience across various websites or apps. Ad networks often use targeting and optimization techniques to deliver relevant ads to users, and they typically charge advertisers based on metrics like clicks, impressions, or conversions.

Ad Placement

Ad placement refers to the location where an advertisement is displayed within a website, app, or other digital platform. It could be on a webpage, in an app interface, or within specific content such as articles or videos. Ad placement can vary in format, including banner ads, in-stream video ads, or interstitial ads. Effective ad placement is crucial for reaching the target audience and maximizing the visibility and impact of the advertisement.

Ad Position

Ad position refers to the rank or placement of an advertisement on a search engine results page or within a website or app. In Google Ads, ad position is determined by factors such as the bid amount, ad quality, and expected impact of ad extensions. A higher ad position typically means that the ad appears closer to the top of the page, increasing its visibility and likelihood of being clicked by users.

Ad Preview and Diagnosis

The Ad Preview and Diagnosis Tool allows advertisers to view their ads as they would appear in search results without affecting performance metrics. Additionally, it helps diagnose ad visibility issues and provides insights into why ads may not be showing. It’s a valuable resource for testing and troubleshooting ad campaigns before they go live to ensure optimal performance.

Ad Rank

Ad Rank in Google Ads determines the position of your ad on the search results page. It’s calculated based on your bid, ad quality, and expected impact of ad extensions and formats. For example, if your bid is high, but your ad has low relevance, your ad rank may be lower, resulting in a lower position on the page.

Ad Relevance

Ad Relevance in Google Ads measures how closely your ad matches the intent and context of a user’s search query. It considers factors like keywords, ad copy, and landing page content. Higher ad relevance improves ad performance by increasing click-through rates and quality scores.

Ad Rotation

Ad Rotation in Google Ads refers to the setting that determines how multiple ads within an ad group are displayed.

Optimize: This setting allows Google to automatically prioritize ads with higher expected click-through rates (CTR). It aims to improve overall campaign performance by displaying the most engaging ads more frequently.

Do Not Optimize: With this setting, ads are rotated evenly, ensuring each ad receives roughly equal exposure. It’s useful for testing different ad variations or when advertisers want to control the distribution of impressions evenly across all ads.

Ad Schedule

Ad Schedule allows advertisers to specify certain times and days when their ads should be shown, based on when their target audience is most likely to engage. For example, a restaurant might set their ad schedule to show ads only during lunch and dinner hours. This helps optimize ad delivery and budget allocation, ensuring ads are displayed when they’re most likely to generate clicks and conversions.

Ad Strength

Ad Strength measures the relevance and effectiveness of ad elements. It provides feedback on headlines, descriptions, and more to optimize ad performance. A well-structured ad with compelling text has high Ad Strength.

Assisted Conversion

Assisted Conversion refers to a conversion that was influenced by multiple interactions with ads before the final conversion. For example, a user clicks on an ad, then later converts via direct search.


In the context of Google Ads, “assets” refers to the many elements—such as photos, videos, headlines, descriptions, and logos—that are utilized to develop and execute adverts. These resources are combined to produce captivating advertisements that successfully reach the advertiser’s target market with their message. For example, in a display campaign, assets might include images and headlines, while in a video campaign, assets might include video clips and ad copy.


Attribution in Google Ads refers to the process of assigning credit to different interactions a user has with your ads before converting. It helps advertisers understand the full customer journey and determine which touchpoints contribute most to conversions. For example, if a user clicks on a search ad, then later converts after seeing a display ad, both ads receive attribution for the conversion.


Audience refers to groups of users categorized based on their interests, behaviours, demographics, or engagement with your website or app. These segments allow advertisers to target specific groups with tailored ads, maximizing relevance and effectiveness. Examples include Remarketing Audiences, which target users who have previously interacted with your site, and Affinity Audiences, which target users with specific interests or lifestyles.

Auction Insights

Auction Insights in Google Ads provides data on how your ad performance compares to competitors’ in the same auctions. It shows metrics like impression share, average position, and overlap rate, enabling strategic analysis and optimization to stay competitive in auctions.

Automated Rules

Automated rules are pre-set conditions that automatically adjust campaign settings based on performance metrics. For example, you can set a rule to increase your budget if your ads are performing well, saving you time and effort.

Automatic Placement

Automatic Placement refers to the feature where ads are automatically displayed on relevant websites within the Google Display Network. It optimizes placements based on targeting settings, enhancing ad visibility.


Auto-tagging automatically adds a unique tracking parameter to your ad’s destination URLs. This enables Google Analytics to track campaign performance accurately.

Average Position

Average Position indicates where your ad typically appears in search results. It’s derived by averaging the positions of all impressions. For example, if your ad had 3 impressions at positions 1, 2, and 3, the average position would be (1 + 2 + 3) / 3 = 2. Thus, your ad’s average position is 2 in Google Ads.

All Conversions

“All Conversions” refers to the total number of conversions attributed to your ads, including both conversion actions you’ve defined and others tracked automatically. Examples include purchases, form submissions, and calls.

App Install Conversion

“App Install Conversion” in Google Ads refers to the number of times your app has been successfully installed from an ad.

Bid Adjustment

Bid Adjustment allows advertisers to increase or decrease bids based on specific targeting criteria like device, location, or time of day. For example, if a retailer observes higher conversion rates on mobile devices, they may apply a bid adjustment of +20% for mobile users. This increases the bid for searches on mobile devices, improving the likelihood of capturing mobile traffic and maximizing the effectiveness of the advertising budget.

Bid Strategy

Bid Strategy refers to the method used to automatically set bids to achieve specific advertising goals, such as maximizing clicks or conversions within a given budget. It automates bid management to optimize performance and streamline campaign management processes.

Broad Match

Broad Match is a keyword match type that allows ads to show for searches that include variations, synonyms, or related terms of the specified keyword. It provides the widest reach but may also lead to less relevant traffic. For example, ads with the keyword “shoes” might also show for searches like “footwear” or “sneakers.”


Budget is the amount of money an advertiser is willing to spend on their campaigns daily or over a specified time period. It controls how often ads are shown and campaign reach. Advertisers set budgets based on their advertising goals, adjusting them to manage costs and achieve optimal results within specified constraints.


Bounce refers to when a user visits a webpage and leaves without engaging further or visiting other pages on the site. It indicates a lack of interest or relevance to the user’s search intent.

Bulk Actions

Bulk Actions allow advertisers to make changes to multiple campaigns, ad groups, or ads simultaneously, streamlining management tasks and saving time.

Call-only Ad

Call-only Ads are ad formats designed specifically for mobile devices. They allow advertisers to display ads that include a phone number and encourage users to directly call the business rather than visiting a website.

Call-to-Action (CTA)

Call-to-action (CTA) is a prompt that encourages users to take a specific action, such as clicking on an ad or making a purchase. CTAs guide user behaviour and drive engagement. Four common CTAs include:

“Shop Now”
“Learn More”
“Call Now”
“Sign Up Today”


A campaign is a set of ad groups, ads, and keywords focused on a common advertising objective. For instance, a company selling shoes may create a campaign to promote its new summer collection. Within this campaign, various ad groups can target different types of shoes (e.g., sneakers, sandals), each with specific ads and keywords tailored to attract relevant customers interested in those products.


A click refers to when a user interacts with an ad by clicking on it, directing them to the advertiser’s website or landing page. Advertisers using CPC bidding are charged for each click, It indicates user engagement.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

CTR, or Click-Through Rate, measures the percentage of users who click on an ad after seeing it. For example, if an ad receives 100 impressions and 10 clicks, the CTR is 10%.

Close Variant

Close Variant refers to variations of keywords that include misspellings, singular or plural forms, abbreviations, and stemming variations. Ads can still trigger for these close variants. For example, the close variant of the keyword “running shoes” might include “run shoes” or “shoes for running,” ensuring broader reach and relevance.

Content Exclusions

Content Exclusions allow advertisers to prevent their ads from appearing on specific types of websites or content categories. For example, an advertiser may exclude their ads from appearing on gambling or adult content websites.

Content Exclusions

Content Suitability refers to ensuring that ads appear on appropriate and relevant content that aligns with the advertiser’s brand values and objectives. For instance, a family-friendly brand may choose to display their ads on websites related to parenting or education, while excluding content related to violence or explicit material to maintain brand integrity.


Conversion refers to a valuable action taken by a user after interacting with an ad, such as making a purchase, completing a form, or signing up for a service. It indicates successful engagement and is a primary metric for measuring the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Conversions help advertisers evaluate return on investment and optimize campaigns for better performance.

Conversion Optimization

Conversion Optimization involves using automated strategies to maximize the number of desired actions (conversions) from ad interactions. It utilizes machine learning to adjust bids and targeting, aiming for optimal campaign performance and increased return on investment.

Conversion Rate

The percentage of users that finish a desired activity after interacting with an advertisement is known as the conversion rate. The conversion rate is 20%, for instance, if 100 users click on an advertisement and 20 of them buy anything.

Conversion Tracking

Conversion Tracking in Google Ads involves installing pieces of code that allow you to track various actions, such as purchases or form submissions, enabling advertisers to monitor and measure the effectiveness of their ads accurately.

Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA)

Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA) is the average amount an advertiser pays for each conversion. For example, you spent Rs. 5000 on Google Ads and received 20 conversions.

CPA = Total Ad Spend / Total Conversions
CPA = Rs. 5000 / 20
CPA = Rs. 250

Cost-Per-Click (CPC)

Cost-Per-Click (CPC) refers to the price an advertiser pays whenever a user clicks on their advertisement. Advertisers determine their CPC bids, with the actual cost varying depending on factors like competition and ad quality. CPC is a crucial metric for assessing the efficiency of advertising campaigns.

Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions (CPM)

Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions (CPM) is the amount an advertiser pays for every thousand ad impressions. Unlike CPC, where payment is based on clicks, CPM charges advertisers based on the number of times their ad is displayed, regardless of clicks.

Customer Match

Customer Match allows advertisers to target ads to customers based on their email addresses. Advertisers upload a list of customer email addresses, which Google matches to signed-in users. This targeting method enables advertisers to reach existing customers with personalized ads, enhancing customer engagement and increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Default Bid

Default Bid is the bid amount set by advertisers for their ad groups, keywords, or other targeting criteria when using manual bidding strategies. It serves as the baseline bid that determines the maximum amount an advertiser is willing to pay for a click or conversion. Advertisers can adjust default bids to optimize campaign performance and achieve specific advertising goals within their budget constraints.

Delivery Method

Delivery Method refers to how ads are displayed throughout the day. The two options are “Standard,” where ads are evenly shown over the day, and “Accelerated,” which displays ads as quickly as possible until the budget is exhausted.

Display Network

Display Network is a collection of websites, apps, and other platforms where advertisers can display their ads. It offers extensive reach and targeting options beyond traditional search ads.

Display Targeting

Display Targeting offers advertisers a comprehensive set of tools to precisely determine where their display ads will be shown within the Google Display Network. It enables advertisers to customize their audience targeting based on various parameters:

Keyword Targeting:

Advertisers can select specific keywords relevant to their products or services, allowing Google to display ads on websites or apps featuring related content.

Placement Targeting:

Advertisers have the option to choose specific websites, apps, or placements for ad display, ensuring alignment with their brand’s image and target audience.

Topic Targeting:

Advertisers can target entire topics or themes to ensure their ads appear on websites covering relevant subjects, enhancing campaign relevance and effectiveness.

Interest Targeting:

This feature enables advertisers to target users based on their interests and behaviours, allowing for more personalized ad delivery tailored to individual preferences.

Demographic Targeting:

Advertisers can refine audience targeting based on demographics like age, gender, and parental status, allowing for more precise ad content customization.


Display Targeting includes Remarketing options, enabling advertisers to target users who have previously interacted with their website or app, effectively re-engaging potential customers.

Custom Audiences:

Advertisers can upload customer email lists to create Custom Audiences, facilitating highly targeted campaigns directed at existing customers to drive loyalty or encourage repeat purchases.

Display URL

Display URL is the website URL that appears in the ad but does not necessarily need to match the final landing page URL. It provides users with a glimpse of the destination site’s domain, increasing ad transparency and credibility.

Dynamic Ads

Dynamic Ads are automatically generated ads that dynamically adjust based on user behavior, website content, or other factors. They personalize ad content to match individual user interests or preferences, increasing relevance and engagement. For example, an e-commerce site may use dynamic ads to display products based on a user’s browsing history, promoting items they have shown interest in to encourage conversions.

Dynamic Keyword Insertion

Dynamic Keyword Insertion (DKI) is a feature that automatically inserts the exact keyword a user searched for into the ad copy. It customizes ads to match user queries, increasing relevance and click-through rates. For instance, if a user searches for “red shoes,” the ad may display “Shop Red Shoes Now.”

Dynamic Remarketing

Dynamic Remarketing tailors ad content to users based on their past interactions with a website, showcasing previously viewed products. It enhances personalization, encouraging users to return and complete conversions.

Dynamic Search Ad

Dynamic Search Ads automatically generate ad headlines and landing pages based on website content, matching user search queries to relevant pages.

Exact Keyword Match

Exact Keyword Match targets ads to users who search for the exact keyword or close variations with the same meaning. For example, if the keyword is “red shoes,” the ad will only show for searches including “red shoes” exactly.

Final URL

Final URL is the web address where users are directed when they click on an ad.

Frequency Cap

Frequency Cap limits the number of times a user sees the same ad within a specified time period. This helps prevent ad fatigue, ensuring users aren’t overwhelmed by repetitive ads. For instance, setting a frequency cap of 3 impressions per week ensures that a user sees an ad a maximum of three times in a given week.


GCLID, or Google Click Identifier, is a unique tracking parameter appended to URLs in Google Ads. It helps track user activity and attribute conversions back to specific ad clicks.


Geotargeting allows advertisers to specify the geographic locations where their ads will be displayed, ensuring they reach relevant audiences based on location, such as countries, regions, or cities.

Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a program that allows website owners to monetize their content by displaying Google ads. Website owners earn revenue when visitors click on or view these ads displayed on their site.

Google Analytics

Google offers a web analytics tool called Google Analytics, which monitors and reports on user activity, website traffic, and other variables. In order to help marketers make wise decisions and maximize their online presence and marketing tactics, it offers insightful information about how people interact with websites.

Google Display Network

Advertisers can display their ads across websites, apps, and other digital properties that are part of the Google Display Network (GDN). Through visually engaging display advertising, it allows advertisers to communicate with their target audience through broad reach to millions of consumers across several platforms.

Google Forwarding Number

Google Forwarding Number is a unique phone number provided by Google Ads for call extension and call-only ad campaigns. When users click on an ad and call the forwarding number, Google forwards the call to the advertiser’s actual phone number while tracking call metrics like call duration, call start time, and caller area code, enabling advertisers to measure the effectiveness of their ads in driving phone calls.

Google Merchant Center

Google Merchant Center is a platform that allows businesses to upload product data to Google and make it available for use in various Google services, including Google Shopping and other ad formats.

Google Search Network

Google Search Network is a group of search-related websites and apps where Google Ads can appear. Advertisers can target users actively searching for information, products, or services on Google’s search engine and partner sites.

Google Search Partners

Google Search Partners are websites and apps that partner with Google to show ads on their search results pages. For example, AOL and are Google Search Partners where ads can appear alongside search results.

Google Tag

Google Tag is a snippet of code provided by Google Tag Manager that allows advertisers to track website interactions and send data to Google Analytics or other tracking platforms.

Image Ad

Image Ad is an advertisement that uses visual elements such as graphics or photos.


Impression refers to each instance an ad is displayed on a user’s screen, regardless of whether the user interacts with it. It signifies the potential visibility of the ad.

Impression Share

Impression Share measures the percentage of impressions your ads receive compared to the total number of impressions they could potentially get. For example, if your ad could be shown 100 times but it’s only shown 80 times, your impression share is 80%. A higher impression share indicates greater ad visibility.

In-Market Audience

In-Market Audience in Google Ads consists of users who are actively researching and considering purchasing products or services within specific categories. It allows advertisers to target users who are more likely to make a purchase based on their recent online behavior, improving ad relevance and performance.


Interactions refer to user engagements with ads, such as clicks, video views, or interactions with ad extensions. For example, clicking on a call button in a call extension or watching a video ad are considered interactions.

Interaction Rate

Interaction Rate represents the percentage of user engagements, like clicks or video views, relative to the total number of ad impressions. For example, if an ad receives 100 impressions and 10 clicks, the interaction rate would be 10%.

Invalid Clicks

Invalid Clicks are clicks deemed illegitimate, often due to click fraud or accidental clicks. For example, repeated clicks from the same IP address or automated clicks can be classified as invalid clicks, helping maintain ad integrity and campaign performance.


Keyword is a term or phrase that advertisers choose to trigger their ads when users search for related content. It plays a crucial role in ad targeting and relevance.

Keyword Match Type

Keyword Match Type determines how closely a user’s search query must match the chosen keyword for the ad to appear. Match types include broad match, phrase match, and exact match.

Keyword Planner

Keyword Planner is a tool that helps advertisers discover new keywords and estimate their performance. It provides insights into keyword search volume, competition, and suggested bid amounts, assisting advertisers in planning and optimizing their ad campaigns effectively.


Labels are customizable tags that advertisers can assign to campaigns, ad groups, ads, or keywords for organizational purposes and easier management.

Landing Page

A Landing Page is the webpage where users are directed after clicking on an ad. It’s designed to provide relevant information and encourage users to take desired actions, such as making a purchase or submitting a form.

Language Targeting

Language Targeting in Google Ads allows advertisers to target ads to users who speak specific languages. For example, if a company offers Spanish language courses, they can target users who have their Google interface set to Spanish. This ensures that ads are displayed to users who can understand and engage with the ad content in their preferred language.

Location Targeting

Location Targeting in Google Ads enables advertisers to display their ads to users based on their geographic location. For instance, a local bakery may target users within a 10-mile radius to promote its products. Advertisers can also exclude certain locations to ensure ads are only shown where they’re relevant. This precise targeting ensures that ads reach the right audience in the right location, maximizing campaign effectiveness and ROI.

Lost Impression Share

Lost Impression Share represents the percentage of potential ad impressions lost due to insufficient budget or rank. For example, if an ad budget runs out, it may lose impression share.

Manager Account

A Manager Account is a tool that allows advertisers to efficiently manage multiple Google Ads accounts from a single dashboard. It provides centralized control, reporting, and billing management, streamlining campaign management across multiple clients or businesses.

Maximize Clicks

Maximize Clicks is a bidding strategy in Google Ads that automatically sets bids to maximize the number of clicks.

Maximize Conversions

Maximize Conversions is a bidding strategy in Google Ads that automatically sets bids to get the most conversions within an advertiser-specified budget. It aims to optimize campaign performance for conversions.

Mobile Bid Adjustment

Mobile Bid Adjustment allows advertisers to increase or decrease bids for mobile devices compared to desktops and tablets. For example, a retailer may increase bids by 20% for mobile devices if they find that mobile users are more likely to convert. This adjustment ensures bids are optimized based on device performance and user behavior.

Mobile Speed Score

Mobile Speed Score rates the speed of landing pages on mobile devices on a scale of 1 to 10, with a higher score indicating faster load times and better mobile optimization.

Narrow Targeting

Narrow Targeting involves refining audience criteria to reach a specific subset of users. For instance, a luxury car dealership might narrow their targeting to users in high-income brackets within a certain geographic area, ensuring their ads are shown only to those most likely to afford their products, thus optimizing ad spend and increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Negative Match

Negative Match in Google Ads allows advertisers to exclude specific keywords or phrases from triggering their ads. By adding negative keywords, advertisers can ensure their ads don’t appear for irrelevant searches, thereby improving ad targeting and maximizing ad spend efficiency.

Negative Broad Match:

Excludes any search query containing the specified keyword, regardless of word order or additional terms. For instance, using ‘-cheap’ would prevent ads from showing for searches like ‘cheap cars’ or ‘cars for cheap’.

Negative Phrase Match:

Excludes any search query containing the exact keyword phrase in the specified order. For example, ‘-[cheap cars]’ would prevent ads from showing for searches like ‘used cheap cars’ but not ‘cars for cheap’.

Negative Exact Match:

Excludes any search query that precisely matches the specified keyword. For instance,  ‘-“cheap cars”‘ would prevent ads from showing specifically for ‘cheap cars’ but not for ‘affordable cars’.

Offline Conversion

Offline Conversions refer to conversions that occur offline, such as in-store purchases or phone orders, but are attributed back to online ad interactions. Advertisers use tools like conversion tracking or CRM integration to track and measure these offline conversions accurately.

Parental Status

Parental Status allows advertisers to target or exclude users based on their status as parents. For example, a diaper brand might target users with “parent” status.

Performance Max Campaign

Performance Max Campaigns are automated campaigns that utilize machine learning to optimize ad performance across multiple Google properties, including Search, Display, and YouTube. They aim to maximize conversions by dynamically adjusting bids and targeting settings in real-time.

Phrase Match

Phrase Match targets ads to users searching for a specific phrase or close variations. It ensures the ad appears when the exact phrase is part of the user’s search query. For example, the phrase match keyword “red shoes” would trigger the ad for searches like ‘buy red shoes’ or ‘red shoes for sale’.


Placement in Google Ads refers to specific websites, apps, or placements within the Google Display Network where advertisers choose to display their ads to reach their target audience.

Pay-per-click (PPC)

In the pay-per-click (PPC) advertising model, marketers are charged a fee each time a click is made on their advertisement. It is frequently utilized in online ads networks such as Google Ads, which enable marketers to drive traffic to their websites and only pay for clicks.

Product Listing Ads (PLA)

Product Listing Ads (PLAs) are visual ads that display product images, prices, and descriptions directly within search results. They allow e-commerce advertisers to promote their products to users actively searching for relevant items, increasing visibility and driving sales.

Quality Score

Quality Score is a metric that measures the relevance and quality of ads, keywords, and landing pages. It influences ad rankings and costs. Scores range from 1 to 10, with higher scores indicating better ad relevance. Optimizing ad components, improving landing page experience, and enhancing keyword relevance can positively impact Quality Score, leading to better ad performance.


Quartile refers to dividing data into four equal parts. For example, video ads may track quartiles to measure how many users viewed 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% of the video content.


Remarketing allows advertisers to target users who have previously visited their website or interacted with their app. For example, an online retailer can show targeted ads to users who abandoned their shopping carts, encouraging them to return and complete their purchase.

Remarketing Lists for Search Ads

Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA) allows advertisers to customize search ads and bids for users who have previously visited their website, increasing ad relevance and effectiveness.

Responsive Display Ad

A Responsive Display Ad automatically adjusts its size, appearance, and format to fit available ad spaces across the Google Display Network. It allows advertisers to reach potential customers with visually engaging ads.

Responsive Search Ad

A Responsive Search Ad allows advertisers to input multiple headlines and descriptions. Google’s algorithm then dynamically generates different combinations to match user search queries, optimizing ad performance and relevance for various audiences and contexts.

Return On Ad Spend (ROAS)

ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) measures the revenue generated from advertising compared to the cost, expressed as a percentage. For example, if a campaign generates ₹5,000 in revenue from ₹1,000 spent, the ROAS would be 500%, indicating a 500% return on investment.

Search Query

A Search Query refers to the actual words or phrases that users type into the search bar when conducting a search. Advertisers use search queries to target their ads effectively to relevant users.

Shared Budget

Shared Budget allows multiple campaigns to share a single budget, optimizing spending across them.

Shared Library

Shared Library stores resources like audiences, conversions, and negative keyword lists that can be used across multiple campaigns for efficient management.

Shopping Campaign

A Shopping Campaign allows advertisers to promote their online products by showcasing images and details directly in search results. It’s ideal for e-commerce businesses looking to drive sales.


Sitelinks are additional links that appear below the main ad text, directing users to specific pages on the advertiser’s website. They enhance ad visibility and provide users with quick access to relevant information or pages.

Skippable Ads

Skippable Ads are video ads that viewers can choose to skip after a few seconds. Here’s how they work:

Ad Format:

Skippable Ads are typically displayed before, during, or after YouTube videos.


These ads can be up to 6 minutes long but are skippable after 5 seconds.


Viewers have the option to skip the ad after the initial 5-second viewing period.


Advertisers are charged only if viewers watch at least 30 seconds of the ad or interact with it, such as by clicking on a call-to-action.

User Experience:

Skippable Ads offer viewers control over their viewing experience, potentially increasing engagement with ads that are relevant and compelling.


Advertisers can monitor performance metrics like view-through rate and engagement to optimize their skippable ad campaigns for better results.

Smart Bidding

Smart Bidding is an automated bidding strategy that uses machine learning to optimize bids for conversions or conversion value. It adjusts bids in real-time based on various factors to maximize performance and achieve campaign objectives efficiently.


Status indicates the current state or condition of a campaign, ad group, ad, or keyword. It informs advertisers whether an element is active, paused, under review, or experiencing any issues that may require attention or troubleshooting.

Viewable CPM

Viewable CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) charges advertisers based on the number of viewable impressions. For instance, if an advertiser bids ₹10 for viewable CPM, they pay ₹10 for every 1,000 impressions, deeming an ad viewable if at least 50% of its pixels are visible for at least one second.

View-through Conversion

View-through Conversions occur when a user sees, but doesn’t click, an ad, then later completes a conversion. It attributes conversions to display and video ads.

YouTube Ads

YouTube Ads are video ads displayed before, during, or after YouTube videos. They allow advertisers to reach a large audience on YouTube and drive engagement with their video content.

YouTube Ads

YouTube Ads are video ads displayed before, during, or after YouTube videos. They allow advertisers to reach a large audience on YouTube and drive engagement with their video content.

In conclusion, this blog has covered the ultimate Google Ads glossary, detailing all the important terms you need to know. Understanding these terminologies can help you excel in your Google Ads career journey.

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